The alcoholism
Alcoholism only makes your life worse.
¿What is alcoholism?
It is a disease that consists of suffering from a strong need to drink alcohol which interferes with mental or physical health.
The WHO estimates that there are 283 million people in the world with alcohol use disorders, of which eight out of ten are men, and that this addiction causes more than 3 million deaths a year worldwide, which is equivalent to one death every ten seconds. Harmful use of alcohol is the main risk factor for deaths in men aged 15 to 49, although evidence shows that women are more vulnerable to the harmful effects of alcohol.
Prevention should begin at an early age, with education based on moderation, reinforced by example in the family, as well as actions that promote self-esteem and social skills, so that in the future they choose healthy forms of fun.
¿How does alcoholism affect those around us?
It can affect decision making.
One of the most significant addiction warning signs is isolation.
The addicted person may begin to withdraw from friends and family, as well as avoid activities they previously enjoyed in order to dedicate more time to their addiction.
The lack of work performance and the possible loss of a job is a very common consequence in those family members of the addict who are greatly affected by the situation.
Furthermore, the expenditure on drinks by an addicted person is very high, and there are family economies that cannot afford these types of expenses,
Memory loss and difficulty in learning, given that it is difficult to pay attention, follow instructions, read, write reports, problems calculating, carrying out synthesis operations; operations of abstract solutions, dispersed without being able to pay attention for longer than 15 to 20 minutes”
¿How does it affect the body?
Drinking too much can have serious consequences for your health.
Brain: Alcohol interferes with the brain's communication pathways and can affect the way the brain looks and functions.
Heart: Stretching and sagging of the heart muscle, irregular heartbeat stroke High blood pressure
Liver: cause fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis
Pancreas: It causes the pancreas to produce toxic substances that can eventually lead to pancreatitis.
Cancer: head and neck cancers and cancers of the esophagus, liver, colon and rectum and, in women, breast cancer.
Among the most common psychological problems caused by alcoholism are:
Behavioral disorders due to alcohol consumption.
Irritability in the family environment.
Delirium tremens.
Alcoholic hallucinosis.
Korsakoff's alcoholic psychosis.
Delirium of jealousy.
Dementia of alcoholics.
Premature aging.
¿How is alcoholism treated?
The first thing to do is diagnose the disease, with a subsequent phase of raising patient awareness and motivating them to actively collaborate in the treatment.
Some form of treatment.
They include medications and behavioral therapies.
People receiving treatment for alcohol use disorder may also benefit from attending a support group such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).
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